Priorities For The Hotel & Tourism Industry

The World Tourism Organization defines sustainable tourism as “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities”.

Clearly, there is a crucial need to build capacity amongst employees in the hotel and tourism sector to develop sustainable tourism initiatives. Asianhotelier.Org intends to focus on the following key target areas: –

Recruitment & Training

Encourage the recruitment and training of young people in the local communities where the company has operations, to provide the new generation with equal opportunities for growth and development.

Water Management

Implement and normalize sustainable water management in the activities of the company, with a strict policy on the consumption and reuse of water that avoids or eliminates polluting the ecosystems or destination sites.

Local Economy & Community

Involve and respect the local community in corporate strategy: Use local labour and suppliers, value and promote local culture, protect the environment and invest a portion of the profits in speeding up and enhancing local development and infrastructure.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Raise awareness regarding responsible production and consumption patterns among all interest groups and develop common sustainability standards and methodologies in relation to the life cycle of tourism services, products and resources.